The travelling Welshmouse

Monday, October 03, 2005

Mexico City

Finally managed to set up this web log as I thought it was probably easier than emails. Now in Mexico City after flying in yesterday morning. What a massive city it is, with a population of 40 million. We were welcomed yesterday by a huge demonstration along the streets around the Zocalo (main square) near where we are staying. We had just popped out to have a wander and get our bearings and the next thing there is a massive protest march which culminated in a big riot - riot police everywhere!! At that point we headed in the other direction and back to the hotel!!

The first thing I noticed about the city are all the VW Beetles - I feel quite at home here. Haven't taken a taxi ride in one yet as have walked everywhere, but will definitely do that before I leave the city. This morning we looked around the cathedral (it makes Ely Cathedral look tiny) and went up the bell tower. Wow - so many bells which were huge. We were stood on the roof of the catherdral taking in the panoramic views whilst the midday bells rang out (the bells obviously haven't been tuned recently so it wasn't quite as musical as you may imagine, but amazing all the same).

Spanish is having to improve rapidly which is a good thing. I can now pick out the veggie options from the menu and am eating more than just bread!!

Going on a tour with the youth hostel tomorrow but I've forgotten where and I don{t have the guide book on me at the moment - will fill you in afterwards.


At 7:41 pm, October 05, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Miss T
I hope you're having a great time- if your Spanish is getting good maybe you could help our new Spanish club at school :-)
Have a fantastic time in Mexico- I nearly got there when I was two and went to Texas, but there was a roadblock so we had to divert to Galveston :-)



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