The travelling Welshmouse

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Rain in the Caribbean

Well it had to happen sometime...first proper tropical rain of the trip. I thought that the rainy season was over but it appears that a cold front is hanging over the northern coast of Honduras at the moment and certainly made itself known last night and today. Managed to visit the national park yesterday before the rains set in which was very beautiful and tranquil. Unfortunately though, there happened to be a tour group of 29 Americans on the deserted beach at the same time!!! So not quite as peaceful as it could have been, but beautiful all the same (I need to take back what I said in my last blog about the lack tourists in Honduras from the US).

Today we headed out to a Garifuna village called La Ensenada, about 3 km east of Tela. It happened to be their annual fiesta, so joined in with the celebrations. Lots of music and dancing (and very drunk locals). I can't say I particularly enjoyed watching the guys on horses charging towards a live duck tied on a rope above, trying to pull it's head off!!! The locals loved it though, especially when the objective was achieved.

Decided to change plans tomorrow and head back inland to avoid the rain for a week, then come back up to the coast once the storm has passed. There is a lake about 3 hours away with good hiking possibilities in the national parks around it. Hopefully the rain won't follow!!


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