The travelling Welshmouse

Friday, October 14, 2005

Earth tremor

The tan is developing nicely and I'm still reading The Time Traveller´s wife. But the exciting thing is that I experienced my first ever earth tremor. I was sat at the edge of the pool whilst the others (Pete and two Australian´s we met) were in the pool. One of the dogs from the guest house was beside and we were enjoying an afternoon beer as the sun was setting (well, the dog wasn´t drinking beer). Then all of a sudden the dog jumps up and bolts, the fence rattles loudly and I feel the pool edge wobble underneath me. The others felt nothing as they were in the water and proceeded to say that I was making it all up and it was probably the mexican beer. But Olga, the lady who runs the guest house, confirmed that it was an earth tremor (apparently they happen all the time here, but I was excited). So that´s about all the news I have.

Still clear blue skies and perfect sunsets. Pete hasn`t braved the waves on a surfboard but did go body boarding. So I don´t think he´ll be entering any competitions. We have decided to stay here another week as it is just so chilled (and the surfers are quite nice to look at too!).


At 4:36 pm, October 14, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Miss T
I'll tell Mr Pallett in geography- he'll know about the Mexican tectonic state. It must be the fault between the Caribbean and Pacific plates, because of course there are the volcanoes in the area at Popacatapetl and in Guatemala., and the Pacific-Atlantic divide in Costa Rica; the fault must run right down the Central American isthmus.



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