The travelling Welshmouse

Monday, March 06, 2006

Laguna de Apoyo

The view at Crater's Edge Hostal

Laguna de Apoyo at sunset

Finally found the sun properly and have spent a few days hanging out at a great hostal called Craters Edge ( on Laguna de Apoyo. The laguna was formed by one of the largest volcanic eruptions in Nicaraguan history over 21,000 years ago. The result is a spectacularly lush crater lake, 6km in diameter and with a depth estimated to be 200m at its centre (supposedly the deepest body of water in all of Central America). There is loads of flora and fauna there, including howler monkeys (although I didn't see any this time). For more information about the laguna, flora and fauna, check out the following site:

I just took the opportunity to swim in the lake and sunbathe as much as possible before climbing another volcano tomorrow.


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