The travelling Welshmouse

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Antigua is a great place to be based for a few months whilst stidying spanish. It is easily located to other places in Guatemala to visit at the weekend, whilst a fun place to live in the week with many naionalities here also studying at the 50 or so spanish schools.
The guest house is a perfect balance between a homestay and renting an apartment. There are some great people staying there longterm and are either studying or participating in one of the many voluntary projects around Antigua.
School is 8 - 12, one to one study with the teacher. This is very tiring but the best way to learn a language quickly. My teacher, Ingrid, is great fun and has the same sense of humour as me so there is lots of laughing and joking during class. However, she still likes to set me loads of homework so most of the afternoon is spent studying!! I have managed to involve myself in a little bit of voluntary work for an organisation called Wings.


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