The travelling Welshmouse

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Cenotes or Sink Holes

Has a really peaceful day yesterday visiting some of the cenotes or sink holes in the area. The one at Chichen Itza was used for self sacrifice but the ones I visited yesterday were clean enough to swim in (no skulls at the bottom!!).

65 million years ago, a meteor struck the area that is now Yucatan peninsular,leaving a 284km crater. Millions of years later cracks formed just below the limestone surface of the crater{s perimeter and rainwater began filling in the cavities. Overtime erosion occurred and eventually the chambers crumbled, revealing the cenotes below. Many of them are connected with underground rivers.

The water is so clear and warm that swimming in them is very pleasant. Visibility is amazing and you can see up to 15m through the water. When the sunlight beams through the holes above it makes a beautiful reflection in the water an amazing blue colour, due to the minerals in the water. There are stalactites and tree roots hanging from ceiling making it look like something from a film set. Never seen anything quite like it before. The journey to get to the cenotes was quite an experience. After traveling by local bus out to the village of Cuzama, we then had to take a pedal cycle taxi to the truck stop. This was not any old truck - it was a horse drawn 4 man cart along the old tracks around the disused hacienda. The rails must be nearly 100 years old and I couldn't believe that this form of transport was still in use. Great journey to each of the three cenotes and very peaceful (felt a little sorry for both the cycle man and the horse though but all seemed happy). This link has some pics and info about the cenotes in the area


At 6:42 pm, November 10, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Miss T,
I've looked at the website, and did a search on google images for cenotes; they look beautiful, and now I really feel like swimming (especialmente en los cenotes!)



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