The travelling Welshmouse

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Palenque ruins

Now in Campeche, on the Gulf of Mexico before heading north to see the ruins at Chichen Itza. After leaving the cool mountains of San Cristobal de las Casas it was back to the warmth of the jungle in Palenque. The guest house was cool, set right in the jungle just outside the Mayan ruins. Lots of live music in the evenings so have done well lately for partying!!! The jungle makes an excellent backdrop for the ruins themselves which date back to about 600 AD. One of the most important temples is here and lots of people come here just to see the tomb where the ancient Mayan king Pakal was buried in 683 AD. The tomb wasn't actually discovered until 1952 by a Mexican archeologist.

Also went to some waterfalls nearby and Agua Azul to chill out in the sunshine. It was lovely to swim in the fresh, cool water instead of salty sea water or chlorinated pool water.

The collection of bites is increasing nicely - lots of mosquitoes, red ants, fleas or bed bugs (not sure which), sand flies and I'm convinced a caterpillar bit my neck the other day but everyone else just laughed at me! It wasn't a typical mossie bite and it still hasn't gone away after 5 days. Obviously the insects all love my welsh blood here.

Having a lazy day today and catching up with jobs like laundry, letter writing, reading, cooking, sleeping, and then participating in the day of the dead celebrations later on (will write more on that in another posting).


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